Friday, July 6, 2012

Name this vegetable

My labels are really mixed up this year. First I bought two plants that were labeled Okra and turned out to be cucumbers, then the plant labeled cucumber turns out like this -

 I knew something was up when I spotted several female flowers that didn't look like the others. At first I just assumed they were a different variety of cucumber, like Armenian Cucumbers which I like. Then they started growing wider.......and turning yellow on top. I noticed them this afternoon and I have wondered if they are spaghetti squash, but the plant is just like a cucumber.....only not.

 So, I Google cucumber varieties and I came across the Lemon Cucumber (below). I'm still not sure if this is what I have, so if you happen to know leave me a comment please :) This is one of the best parts of gardening, trying to figure out what it is your growing!

                                                                   (Furney's Nursery)

 Also, my watermelon is growing strong.

And there is plenty of rain in the forecast for the DFW Metroplex this coming week. My garden is going to love it!


Greg Vandiver said...

I think you are correct about the lemon cucumber. I'm not positive, though. My brother is the expert in the family as he's an Alabama Master Gardener. I'm only a Master Scuba Diver that tries to grow vegetables. LOL


Greg Vandiver said...
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