Monday, January 16, 2012

Eggshell Seedlings

While reading the January issue of Hobby Farm Home, I came across an article by Sherri Gragg on waiting for spring. I was inspired by the descriptive images of using eggshells as containers to start seeds in.

A couple of weeks later I jumped the gun on seed tests and the results were a success! All six seeds sprouted little baby tomatoes.

It is still a couple of weeks early to start seed. However, I didn't want to see these little warriors go to waste and having started my own eggshell collection I decided to give it a shot. It's supposed to be a mild winter right?

To prepare my own seed starting mix I used earthworm castings, soil from my garden and coffee grounds. I filled each eggshell with the castings first, then the soil and finally the coffee grounds on top. I lightly moistened the mixture and tucked each seedling into its own shell.

I'm curious to see how these tomatoes turn out, especially since I am attempting to grow the majority of plants from seed this year. Although, I'm sure I will not be able to resist a few veggie plants from Lowes this spring. Its hard to walk by without purchasing a few.

Have you started your seeds yet?

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