Thursday, July 25, 2013

Garden Bed #4 Update

This bed has done really well this year. It has produced a variety of tomatoes, basil, chives and plenty of weeds. As I was looking back on my blog I realized that many of the plants I said I was going to grow in this bed, didn't actually happen. I had really good intentions, I even made a map of what I had planted. But somehow, I managed to end up with different plants.

All of the plants in this bed are seedlings I grew from seed in my kitchen last January. Starting from the top left we have Chocolate Cherry Tomato, Lake Tomato, Roma Tomato. Bottom: Chocolate Cherry Tomato, Basil, Chives, Cherokee Purple Tomato.

I was attempting to have a more organized and easily identifiable garden this year, however it is always fun to have mix ups and surprises.

Speaking of which, look what popped up in my compost bed (which also hasn't been weeded) -

It looks like some type of squash.

Monday, July 22, 2013

More Sauce

After the rain we got last week, I noticed that some of my tomatoes were beginning to split. So, I harvested all of my Cherokee Purples, Roma, Chocolate Cherry's and what I believe is a Lake Tomato. Also, I had plenty of basil so of course I made some more red sauce. Yum!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Rainy Week

This past week we had what seemed like non-stop rain from Sunday through Thursday, then the sun came back out on my Friday off. All of this rain was great for the garden, the Texas drought situation and it brought temperatures down considerably.
I'm guessing we got at least two inches of rainfall, although it may be much higher than that. As you can see below, we saw quite a bit of rain.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Non-Stop Rain

In North Texas, rain is not common and non-stop rain is a rare, special treat. I realize its only Monday, but it has pretty much been non-stop raining since early Sunday morning and it looks like it could keep going for another day or so.

The temperatures have cooled off, I haven't had to water my garden .... its been nice. This summer is turning out just great.

How has the summer been for you so far ?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

What Kind of Tomato is this ?

I'm attempting to figure out what kind of tomato this is. I haven't grown them before, so I believe its one of the new varieties I purchased this year. I believe they may be Cherokee Purple since they have the dark green shoulders with the deep blush color growing from beneath. Only time will tell and I'm excited to see what they turn out to be.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Today I spotted my first tomato hornworm of the summer. Judging from his size I think he has been there for a couple of weeks. Now to find his friends....


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tomaoto Harvest

I harvested just over 3lbs of Tomatoes this evening. I've already made a tomato sandwich and started some red sauce, the recipe I got from Skippy's Vegetable Garden (scroll to September 22nd). I really enjoy summer.