Saturday, June 2, 2012

Squash Bugs

Spotted my first squash bug of the season today. Then my 2nd and 3rd. Isn't it a bit early for squash bugs? Last year I didn't spot them until mid July. Of course last year was the first time I grew something worthy of their attraction, so I could be off. After murdering the first three I began a merciless hunt for their children, the eggs. Ironically, I didn't spot any !?! Perhaps I got to them that early.
(David Rhodes) I must admit, they do lay their eggs very neatly. I looked into this a bit further and according to The University of Minnesota the females begin arriving in early June. Right on time! Then they begin to lay their eggs, which produce nymphs (baby squash bugs) and they take over the world......or just your plant.
Last year I was able to get rid of them by pushing them into hot, soapy water and submerging their eggs as well. I had four yellow squash plants and lost two as causalities. I will need to keep an eye on my Zucchini plant for further developments. In other news, its 95 degrees as I type this and no additional rain yet. Come on rain!

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