Sunday, December 2, 2012

Early December Garden Update

Its officially December and 80 degrees outside, one of the many reasons I like Texas! I am writing this post with the sun shining and the a warm breeze blowing through my office window (ahhh....). Despite the Farmer's Almanac predictions of Snow Snow Snow for North Texas, it appears we are going for a third growing season this year. This has been great for my late season tomatoes.


I'm fairly certain this is my Pineapple variety from Bountiful Gardens. This one is just starting to turn in color and has that red yellow and orange swirled together like a sunset look that was described for this variety.  Their big too!

This little cherry tomato plant grew out of my compost/random garden bed in the exact same spot my zucchini plant inhabited early this year. By the time I noticed, it already had fruit growing. I didn't have the heart to kill it, but I didn't protect it from the frost either. It appears to be the hardest tomato plant I have as its still green and growing. I should probably save the seeds for next year. 

I harvested the last of my carrots from spring yesterday.  I'm pretty sure I planted these in April or early May and their growth really took off this last month. I cleaned, chopped and added them to my roasted potatoes for last night's dinner. Both had great flavor, the cream variety was a tad milder than the red.

I planted Beets a couple of weeks ago to have some more winter crops available. I've heard they are light feeders and taste great when roasted.
The Broccoli is doing really well. It appears to like this weather and the light shade it receives. I look forward to seeing the head and side shoots soon.

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