Saturday, May 25, 2013

Composted Cotton Burrs


A friend of mine recently recommended Composted Cotton Burrs for my tomatoes. She is a gardener for a local couple, but also has her own personal garden at home. She added the Composted Cotton Burrs to her employer's garden during planting which was at the same time she planted tomatoes in her garden without Cotton Burrs. The Results? Her employer's tomatoes are twice the size of hers. Composted Cotton Burrs works! So, of course I ran out and got a couple of bags from McDonnell Feed in Keller, TX. Two bags were enough to cover my Tomatoe Beds and a little extra for my pumpkins.


I do have one warning about this product. It is the only bagged compost I have ever had a skin reaction to. I noticed an immediatly that the skin that came in contact with the bags, broke out in hives. By late afternoon, my arms were back to normal though and there was no trace of the reaction. Praise the Lord!


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