Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Year of The Bean.

"And for gardeners, beans are practically magical." - Lynne Rossetto Kasper
Beans are considered heavy givers, meaning they give back to your soil instead of depleting it during the growing season. They give back nitrogen, a key soil ingredient when growing Tomatoes, Squash, Pumpkins, Peppers, Eggplant - some of the most popular garden veggies. So key, that fertilizers list it as the first nutrient percentage on the front of their labels, NPK followed by Phosphorous, and Potash.
The last three years I've grown some heavy feeders and decided this year to focus on replenishing my soil. Plus I really enjoy green bean casserole.
I selected a variety of beans at the beginning of the year including this beauty, Sunset Runner which I picked simply because I liked the soft peach colored flowers. It has taken off, growing so fast that it is now double the size of my other beans. This winner will definitely be a repeat next year. 
I've labeled 2013 as The Year of The Bean because in my effort to replenish the soil, I've planted three garden beds with Beans and have completely used up my green bean seed stash. This should pay dividends for the 2014 garden.
Here's to The Year of The Bean!

(Birthday Bed - 2012 Tomatoes)

(Bed #1 - 2012 Tomatoes/2011 Potatoes)

(Bed #3 - 2012 Yellow NutSedge Weeds, 2011 Tomatoes)

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