Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Elusive Squash Bug

I'm not complaining, seriously.

I am just shocked that I haven't experienced the Squash Bug this year. I used the term elusive above because Squash Bugs have been anything but in past years. They fly in to town around the last week of May or first week of June and redefine the term pest until you've maimed all of your Zucchini, Squash and Pumpkin leaves.

That is just how it happens, at least the last two years in a row.

This year I was ready. I've watched my Squash and Pumpkins like a hawk. I took the picture above last week when I spotted what I thought was a squash bug at work one evening. The shape is right, but the coloring is little on the pale side. I thought I noticed a squash bug just the other week in my garden. He managed to get away, but left no eggs behind and I've seen nothing since. Perhaps the cooler weather this spring pushed backed their timing or maybe they forgot where I've live :)
Has anyone else in the North Texas area seen Squash Bugs yet?

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